Order № 07/06-1A dated 6/7/2024
Director of "NATIVE APPS" LLC
 V. Shaldzhain

(hereinafter – the Rules)

"NATIVE APPS" LLC in accordance with the approved version of these Official Rules (hereinafter — the Rules) conducts the "THE DRAW IN SOCIAL NETWORKS" promotion (hereinafter — the Promotion) with the aim of increasing player loyalty, expanding the customer base, and strengthening the image of the Promotion Organizer


Organizer — LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY NATIVE APPS, EDRPOU code 43488489, registered office address: Ukraine, 04123, Kyiv, Svitlytskoho street, building 35, office 108/4, license to organize and produce online casino gambling activities – issued on December 22, 2022, valid for 5 years (decision of the Commission for Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries № 434 dated December 13, 2022).
Day — a period of time within an astronomical day from 00 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds to 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds according to Kyiv time.
Territory of the Promotion — the Promotion is held on the website for the organization and conduct of Online Casino Gambling of "NATIVE APPS" LLC https://supergra.ua and/or the SuperGra Mobile Application, on the territory of Ukraine, except for the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and the zone of hostilities.
Promotion period — from June 14, 2024 to June 20, 2024.
SuperGra Mobile Application — various software designed to operate on mobile devices with different operating systems (iOS, Android, etc.), using which the Player can access the tools and functionality of the SuperGra Portal/Mobile Application from a mobile device.
Registration on the Portal and/or SuperGra Mobile Application — creating a Client Account (account in a profile). Only persons who have reached the age of 21 are allowed to register. It is necessary to fill in a form on the https://supergra.ua website (hereinafter — Organizer's Portal) and/or the SuperGra Mobile Application, which contains personal information. It is necessary to enter a personal valid email address or personal valid mobile phone number. It is also necessary to enter a password, which the Player will use to access the Client Account in the manner provided by the Rules of the Gambling Organizer, available on the SuperGra Portal and/or Mobile Application. Entering false data may be regarded as fraud. One individual can create only one Client Account (one account in a profile). In case of violation of the rule of creating one Client Account, multiple accounts will be subject to blocking.
Verification — the process of confirming the Player's identity in accordance with the Rules of the Gambling Organizer, which are available on the Organizer's SuperGra Portal/Mobile Application.
Player (Participant) — an individual who, at the time of registration on the Organizer's SuperGra Portal/Mobile Application and at the time of participation in the game, has reached the age of 21, has full legal capacity, and for whom there is no information in the Register of persons whose access to gambling establishments and/or participation in gambling is restricted, who is not under the influence of narcotics, alcohol, or any other intoxication, who has not been deemed undesirable by the Organizer, who has no other restrictions in accordance with the Applicable Laws of Ukraine and/or the Rules of the Gambling Organizer, and/or the Rules of Online Casino Gambling, and/or the Rules (Principles) of Responsible Gaming, and/or the Organizer's Privacy Policy, and/or the AML/KYC-Policy of the Organizer of Online Casino Gambling and/or Terms and Сonditions of the Promotion Policy of the Organizer of Online Casino Gambling, at his own request participating in gambling on the Organizer's SuperGra Portal/Mobile Application, has entered into a Public Offer Agreement on participation in gambling with the Organizer and is unconditionally consistent with the Rules of the Gambling Organizer, and/or the Rules of Online Casino Gambling, and/or the Rules (Principles) of Responsible Gaming, the Privacy Policy of the Organizer.
Gambling Game — any game that requires the Player to place a bet that gives them the right to receive a prize, the probability and amount of which depend wholly or partially on chance, as well as the knowledge and skill of the Player.
Gaming Equipment — the online system of the Gambling Organizer.
Slot — a Gambling Game where the Player spins a reel and/or reels with different symbols by pressing a button. The Player wins if identical symbols on the reels line up as variants for Paylines (classic slots with fixed reels) and/or identical symbols are placed regardless of the row and form winning combinations, disappear, and are replaced by the following symbols that can create new winning combinations (avalanche or cascade Slots).
Spin — one rotation of the reel of the Slot and/or other Gambling Games. During a Gambling Game, after making a Spin, it is possible to receive an additional free Spin (hereinafter referred to as "Respin"). All Respins received in a Gambling Game while making one Spin are subject to crediting and accounting on the Organizer's SuperGra Portal/Mobile Application as one Spin in all promotional offers of the Organizer.
Deposit — the amount of money independently deposited by the Player into the Client Account to participate in Gambling Games. The minimum and maximum amounts of money deposited are established by the Organizer based on the Player's choice of payment instrument. 
Player's Client Account — an online account that is opened for the Player to participate in Gambling Games on the Organizer's SuperGra Portal/Mobile Application and is part of the Organizer's online system, which provides the Player with complete information about his actions (including gambling bets, etcetera), agreements concluded with the Organizer, the balance of electronic money substitutes, and also contains the information necessary to identify the Player. Methods of depositing funds and payment instruments into the Client's Account are specified in these Rules, as well as published on the Organizer's SuperGra Portal/Mobile Application. 
Bonus Account — one or more accounts that are opened for the Player in parallel with the Client Account (is part of the Client Account), where Bonuses are credited after their activation by the Player, as well as winnings, received using Bonuses. Electronic money substitutes from the Bonus Account are transferred to the Client Account after wagering. After that, electronic money substitutes from the Client Account can be used for further participation in Gambling Games, as well as to submit requests to the Organizer for the payment of funds to a bank card verified by the Player, and from which the Player deposited funds into the Client Account.
Bonus — an electronic money substitute, which the Player receives from the Organizer as a result of fulfilling the conditions of the Promotion posted on the Organizer's SuperGra Portal/Mobile Application in accordance with the Rules of the Gambling Organizer, is placed in the "Bonuses" section of the Organizer's SuperGra Portal/Mobile Application, where the Player has the right to activate or refuse the Bonus. After activating the Bonus, it is credited to the Bonus Account of the Player in the form of FS or other electronic money substitutes for wagering with or without the Wager (determined by the Organizer in the description of the Promotion on the Organizer's SuperGra Portal/Mobile Application). 
Free spins (FS) — Spins for free. They are provided during the Promotion, the terms of which are specified on the Promotion page with a description. While using FS, electronic money substitutes are not withdrawn from the Customer or Bonus Account. Winnings are calculated based on the nominal bet, the size of which is indicated in the terms of the Promotion during which the FS are provided. Subsequently, FS can be found on the Organizer's SuperGra Portal and/or Mobile Application in the "Bonuses" section, where they are subject to activation by the Player and Wagering without a fixed Wager within the timeframe specified by the Organizer.
Wagering — a Gambling Game with electronic money substitutes, received as a win for the fulfillment of the promotional conditions, during which a bet must be placed for the amount of FS with or without a Wager (as provided by the Organizer in these Rules). After fulfilling the Wagering requirements, the electronic money substitutes are transferred to the Client Account. 
Wager — a specific coefficient determined by the Organizer, which can be (as a right) applied by the Organizer within the Promotion as a condition for wagering of FS based on the fulfillment of the Promotional conditions. 
Random Number Generator (hereinafter – RNG) — a component (device, software module, including remote) of the online system of the Gambling Organizer that, when conducting gambling using the mentioned system, creates a sequence of unrelated numbers and ensures the random nature of the winnings (prize).
Personal Data — any information directly or indirectly related to an identified or identifiable individual (the subject of personal data) or used to identify such a person. 
Processing of Personal Data — any action (operation) or a set of actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools or without using such tools, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.


2.1. The Organizer has the right to independently change the conditions and procedure for conducting the Promotion. In this case, information about the changes made is posted on the Organizer's SuperGra Portal/Mobile Application. The date of entry into force of the changes is determined by the Organizer independently.
2.2. The processing of Personal data is carried out by an employee of the Organizer, who is entrusted with the fulfillment of personal data processing duties by order of the head.
2.3. Registration and verification on the Organizer's SuperGra Portal/Mobile Application mean that the Player voluntarily provides their personal data to the Organizer and agrees to their processing.
2.4. The Organizer has the right to involve any third parties in the conduct of the Promotion.
2.5. The Organizer has the right to cancel the Promotion at any time or change these Promotion Rules by posting their new version taking into account clause 2.1. and/or clause 5.6. of these Rules.
2.6. Manufacturers and/or distributors who provide goods and services that may be placed as advertising distribution on the territory of the Promotion are not partners, sponsors, and/or co-organizers of the Promotion.
2.7. Any images on the Organizer's SuperGra Portal/Mobile Application, advertising and information materials, electronic media, platforms and other digital and/or information devices, signs and/or symbols of monetary funds, are not equivalent to monetary funds, are not instructions and/or documents guaranteeing any types of rights to Players participating in the Promotion.


3.1. The Prize Pool of the Promotion is formed at the discretion of the Organizer. The qualitative, quantitative and other, including technical, characteristics of the prizes are determined by the Organizer.
The total number of prize places is 1. The total prize pool of the Promotion is 1 goods prize and/or bonuses of various types and denominations.
The Player participating in the Promotion undertakes to independently monitor all changes on the Organizer's SuperGra Portal and/or Mobile Application, including but not limited to the description of the Promotion, conditions of participation in the Promotion, these Rules, etc.
3.2. To participate in the Promotion, the Player should:
3.2.1. Be registered on the Portal owned by the Organizer. If the Player has a Client Account, the Player should go through the login procedure. If the Participant is a new user, he/she needs to create a Client Account on the Organizer's Portal and go through the identification procedure (verification, data establishment). The procedure for registering a Client Account is regulated by sections 3 and 4 of the Rules of the Gambling Organizer, which are posted on the Organizer's Portal.
3.2.2. To fulfill the promotional conditions in the social network Instagram supergra_ua and in the Telegram messenger t.me/supergraua. In the social network Instagram, the Player should be subscribed to the Organizer's page supergra_ua, and on the specified page, like and save the post about the draw in social networks and like other 2 (two) posts. Under the post about the draw in social networks, indicate Player ID in the comments. In the Telegram messenger, the Player should be subscribed to the Organizer's channel t.me/supergraua, like or leave another reaction to the post about the draw in social networks, and like or leave another reaction under the other 2 (two) posts.
3.2.3. Make a Deposit from 200 UAH during the Promotion period.
3.3. All Players who meet the conditions of paragraph 3.2 of these Rules are automatically considered by the Organizer's system on the SuperGra Portal and/or Mobile Application. After the end of the Promotion Period, in accordance with clause 3.4 of these Rules, the Organizer will draw a goods prize and/or bonuses of different types and denominations from the Prize pool of the Promotion.
3.4. Among the Players selected in accordance with clause 3.3 of these Rules, the Organizer shall determine the Player who is entitled to a Bonus of various types and denominations or a goods prize (hereinafter referred to as the "Draw") using the method of random selection by RNG. The Organizer informs the Players about the results of the Draw automatically through the Portal in the personal Player's account (Client account) and/or in any other way determined at the discretion of the Organizer. Depending on the choice made, the Player automatically confirms that he/she has chosen to receive a prize (winnings) in the form of a 100% Bonus or a 100% goods prize. Under the terms of the Promotion, it is not possible to receive a prize in the form of a part of the Bonus and/or a part of the goods prize and/or prize.
3.5. The Player, no later than 3 days from the date of receipt of the notification specified in clause 3.4. of these Rules, in the SuperGra Portal and/or Mobile Application in the personal Player's account (Client account), has the right to choose to receive the Bonus in the form of electronic money substitutes to the Bonus account (with the condition of Wagering: without a Wager) or exchange the Bonus for a goods prize (at the cost determined by the Organizer), with the subsequent independent execution by the Player through the Electronic Application Portal to the Organizer with detailed information from the Player for the provision (transfer) of the goods prize by the Organizer.
3.6. In case the Player has not timely exercised the right and performed the actions stipulated in clause 3.5 of these Rules, the Organizer cancels the result of the Draw for the Player, and the Player no longer has the right to claim and/or demand from the Organizer the right to the Bonus and/or a goods prize under this Promotion.
3.7. The Organizer guarantees objectivity in determining the Player who is eligible to receive the Bonus and/or the right to exchange the Bonus for a goods prize in this Promotion. The decision of the Organizer is final and cannot be appealed. The method of delivery of the goods prize is chosen by the Player among the possible options when filling out an electronic application in accordance with clause 3.5 of these Rules. Further communication between the Player and the Organizer may be carried out by email, telephone, or in any other way not prohibited by the Applicable Laws of Ukraine.
3.8. The taxation of individuals who received the Bonus FS is carried out in accordance with the Applicable Laws of Ukraine at the time of payout of winnings by the Organizer. The payout means the financial operation of transferring funds to the Player's bank account from which the funds were deposited into the Player's Client Account. This means that the earnings specified in this clause are subject to final taxation upon payout by the individuals receiving the Bonus.
3.9. The Organizer of the Promotion is not responsible for the future use of the Bonuses, prizes and for the inability to use them for any reasons.
3.10. According to paragraph 164.2 of Article 164 of the Tax Code of Ukraine, if the taxpayer — the Player (Participant of the Promotion) — receives income in the form of winnings (prizes) in the lottery or other draws, in a bookmaker's bet, in a totalizator, prizes and winnings in cash obtained for winning and/or participating in amateur sports competitions, including billiards sports, are included in the taxpayer's total monthly (annual) taxable income and are subject to taxation by the tax agent upon its payout. Personal income tax at the rate of 18% and a military fee of 1,5% is imposed on the total amount of such winnings (prizes).
3.11. By participating in the Promotion, the Player who, according to the results of the Draw, has received the right to choose a goods prize, used it and subsequently independently submitted an electronic application to the Organizer through the Portal with detailed information on the transfer (provision) of the goods prize, expresses and gives their unconditional consent to the Organizer to send the goods prize using postal services/delivery services/courier services of third parties (legal entities and/or individual entrepreneurs and/or individuals), as well as after legal registration by the Organizer with a third party of the fact of delivery/acceptance of the goods prize for the Player to receive, unequivocally and unconditionally confirms that such actions of the Organizer are considered the fact of transfer (provision) of the goods prize by the Organizer to the Player. In this case, the Organizer shall not be liable for damage, destruction, disruption of the goods prize from the moment the goods prize is received by the specified third party, during transportation and/or at the moment of delivery and acceptance directly by the Player, and/or for the future use of the goods prize, and/or the Player's inability to use it for any reason.


4.1. Only individuals, who, according to the Applicable Laws of Ukraine, have the right to participate in the Promotion and meet the definition that is specified in the meaning of the term "Player", under Section 1 of these Promotion Rules, who, according to the Applicable Laws of Ukraine, have access to Online Casino Gambling and who have no gambling addiction (ludomania) or restrictions on participation in gambling, may take part in the Promotion.
4.2. The Organizer's employees, affiliates, and members of their families are not considered participants in the Promotion and have no right to participate in it.
4.3. Participants (Players) have the rights and obligations established by the Applicable Laws of Ukraine and these Promotion Rules. 
4.4. When participating in the Promotion, the Participant (Player) undertakes to:
4.4.1. follow the requirements of these Rules and regulations of the Applicable Laws of Ukraine;
4.4.2. comply with other requirements which the Organizer of the Promotion may establish;
4.4.3. provide complete, correct, and accurate information about yourself and your actions on the website of the Organizer of the Promotion on demand of employees of the Organizer;
4.4.4. do not cause inconvenience and do not interfere with other Participants (Players) of the Promotion;
4.4.5. do not commit actions questioning the legality of his participation in the Promotion and participation in the Promotion of other Participants (Players);
4.4.6. provide documents on request of the Organizer of the Promotion for confirmation of the identity of the Participant of the Promotion (Player). If the documents are not provided as proof of identity, the Organizer can limit the Player's participation in the Promotion. 
4.4.7. to inform the Organizer of the Promotion about any deviations from these Promotion Rules or technical errors that appeared during the Promotion and led to wrong accrual, use of FS by the Participant of the Promotion, etc.
4.5. In addition to paragraph 4.4. of these Rules, Players should read all paragraphs of the Rules of the Gambling Organizer, and/or the Rules of Online Casino Gambling, and the Rules (Principles) of Responsible Gaming, and/or Privacy Policy of the Organizer, and/or AML/KYC-Policy of the Organizer of Online Casino Gambling, Public Offer Agreement to participate in gambling with the Organizer, and/or Terms and Сonditions of the Promotion Policy of the Organizer of Online Casino Gambling and by depositing money to the Deposit, the Player accepts the Rules of the Gambling Organizer and/or the Rules of Online Casino Gambling, and/or the Rules of Responsible Gambling, Privacy Policy of the Organizer and/or Terms and Сonditions of the Promotion Policy of the Organizer of Online Casino Gambling, the conditions of crediting FS for activation on the Organizer's SuperGra Portal/Mobile Application and these Promotion Rules. If the Players do not agree with the terms of the Promotion, they have the right to refuse to participate in the Promotion. Awareness of the randomness of the game results and the risk of losing is essential.
4.6. By making Spins on bets according to these Promotion Rules, Players automatically agree and accept the Promotion Terms and these Promotion Rules and the terms and accompanying regulations containing documents published on the Organizer's SuperGra Portal/Mobile Application, as well as allow publishing their client ID for any purpose related to these Promotion Rules.
4.7. The Player's Client Account must be deleted when disagreeing with any paragraph of the Rules of the Gambling Organizer and the terms and/or Promotion Rules. To do this, the Player sends a letter to technical support by email to [email protected], indicating the Player's ID. It is necessary to wait for the Organizer's reply because until the Organizer confirms the fact of deleting the Client Account, the responsibility for the operations performed using the Client Account remains on the Player. After deleting the Client Account at the Player's request, the Player has no right to make any claims to the Organizer arising from the Organizer's actions to delete the Client Account.
4.8. Players are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their password and Client Account on the Organizer's SuperGra Portal/Mobile Application and ensuring that third parties do not have access to them.
4.9.  Players always have the right to cancel any Bonuses, either one of them or all of those already granted. It is possible to cancel Bonuses at any time while there is a balance on the Bonus account. The Player can do this independently in the "Bonuses'' section of the Organizer's SuperGra Portal/Mobile Application by clicking the "Cancel" button. Additionally, to cancel/deactivate the Bonus, Players can contact the support service at [email protected].
4.10. In case of payment of funds of the Client Account before the Wagering conditions are fulfilled, such Bonus and all winnings on it will be automatically reset. Players can always check the status of the activated Bonus and the progress of Wagering it in their Personal Account/personal profile (Client Account).
4.11. A Participant of the Promotion (Player) who does not agree with the terms of these Promotion Rules and/or refuses to provide consent to process personal data, and/or does not comply/does not properly comply with the terms of these Rules, is deprived of the right to participate further in the Promotion.


5.1. The Organizer has the right to refuse the Player to receive a Bonus or a goods prize in case of establishing the fact of non-compliance with the provisions of these Rules of the Promotion.
5.2 The Organizer is obliged to ensure that the Player is informed about the Promotion Rules.
5.3 The Organizer is not responsible for the false interpretation of the Rules and non-compliance with the Promotion Rules.
5.4 The Organizer is not responsible for the illegal use of gaming services of the Organizer's SuperGra Portal/Mobile Application.
5.5. The Organizer has the right to review and analyze all transaction records for any reason at any time. If any facts that can be considered malicious are revealed, the Organizer retains the right to suspend participation in the Promotion or completely refuse further service to the Player.
5.6. The Organizer, taking into account paragraph 2.1. of these Rules, has the right to change the terms and conditions of the Promotion or cancel it at any time. In this case, information about the change of the Promotion and/or canceling the Promotion is posted on the Organizer's SuperGra Portal/Mobile Application. The Player is obliged to monitor all changes concerning the Promotion on the Organizer's SuperGra Portal/Mobile Application and does not require additional notification in any other form and/or manner. Participating in the Promotion automatically confirms his agreement with this paragraph of the Rules.
5.7. The Organizer has the right to cancel the winnings, the prizes, the bonuses, in case it appears that the Player used a special program, designed to mislead the Organizer, or played in collaboration with another Player. For all requests for payment of funds, the Player, taking into consideration the circumstances and the conditions of this paragraph of the Rules, is obliged to return such money to the Organizer within 7 (seven) bank days from the moment the Player received written notification from the Organizer. If the funds received under this clause of the Rules are not returned, the Organizer has the right to take all legal measures provided by the Rules of the Gambling Organizer and/or the Applicable Laws of Ukraine.


6.1. By participating in the Promotion, each Player confirms their consent to the processing, storage, cross-border transfer of personal data, provided photo images and the use of personal information provided by them and any other information provided by the Organizer of the Promotion for marketing and/or any other purpose and methods that do not violate the Applicable Laws of Ukraine (in particular, the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Personal Data"), grants the right to the free use of their name, surname, photograph, interview, or other materials about them for the announcement of the results of the Promotion on the Organizer's SuperGra Portal/Mobile Application for advertising/marketing purposes, including the right to publish (including their name, photograph) in the media, any printed, audio and video materials on the Internet, interviews in the media in case of winning any prizes of the Promotion, as well as for the transmission of information, messages (including advertising), etcetera, without any restrictions on the territory, time and method of use, and such use is not compensated by the Organizer or partners of the Promotion. The provision of such consent is considered in accordance with the provisions of Articles 296, 307, 308 of the Civil Code of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Personal Data". 
6.2. From the moment of accepting the conditions of these Rules by taking actions that indicate participation in the Promotion, the consent to the conditions of the Rules and consent to the processing of personal data is considered to be provided by the Players participating in the Promotion. 
6.3. To revoke the Consent for the processing, storage, and cross-border transfer of personal data, it is possible to submit a corresponding statement to the responsible person from the staff of the Organizer. The revocation of the consent for the processing, storage, and cross-border transfer of personal data automatically excludes the Players from the Promotion. 
6.4. Participation in the Promotion automatically confirms familiarization with the rights as a subject of personal data provided in Article 8 of the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Personal Data", which states that the subject of personal data has the right to: 1) know about the sources of data collection, the location of their personal data, the purposes of their processing, the location or residence (presence) of the owner or controller of personal data or to give an appropriate instructions to authorized persons to obtain this information, except in cases established by law; 2) receive information on the conditions for granting access to personal data, including information about third parties to whom their personal data is transferred; 3) have access to their personal data; 4) receive, no later than thirty calendar days from the date of receipt of the request, except as otherwise provided by law, a response as to whether their personal data is processed, as well as receive information about the content of such personal data; 5) present a substantiated demand to the owner of personal data with an objection to the processing of their personal data; 6) present a substantiated demand to change or destroy their personal data by any owner and controller of personal data, if this data is processed unlawfully or inaccurately; 7) to protect their personal data from unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction, damage due to deliberate concealment, non-disclosure, or untimely disclosure, as well as to protect against the provision of information that is inaccurate or discrediting the honor, dignity and business reputation of the individual; 8) lodge complaints regarding the processing of their personal data with the Authorized Body or in court; 9) apply legal remedies in case of violation of the legislation on the protection of personal data; 10) make reservations regarding restricting the right to process their personal data when giving consent; 11) withdraw consent to the processing of personal data; 12) know the mechanism of automatic processing of personal data; 13) protect against automated decisions that have legal consequences for them. 
6.5. The Organizer is the owner of all personal data provided by the Players participating in the Promotion. The Organizer retains the specified personal data during the Promotion Period and for 1 (one) month after its completion, except for the personal data of winners of large cash prizes, which are retained for the period established by the Applicable Laws of Ukraine.


7.1 By participating in the Promotion, the Player unconditionally agrees that by choosing to receive a goods prize (winnings) taking into account p. 3.4 and p. 3.11 of these Rules, the Organizer can provide the Player with the goods prize (winnings) via one of the ways:
7.1.1. by parcel indicating in the bill of lading (or other shipping documents) the surname, first name, patronymic of the Player-recipient (winner), other details and/or information (branch number, address, phone number, etc.) provided by the Player-recipient (winner) to the Organizer on the Organizer's email address [email protected].
7.1.2. by courier delivery with indicating in the bill of lading (or other shipping documents) the surname, first name, patronymic of the Player-recipient (winner), other details and/or information (branch number, address, phone number, etc.) provided by the Player-recipient (winner) to the Organizer on the Organizer's email address [email protected].
7.1.3. by handing it personally to the Player (winner) or to the authorized representative of the Player (winner) with proper confirmation of the right to receive the goods prize (winnings) on behalf of the Player (winner), which is confirmed by an order (power of attorney). The fact of accepting the goods prize (winnings) in this case is signing the act of accepting the goods prize (winnings) by the authorized representative of the Organizer, the Player (winner), and/or the authorized representative of the Player (winner).
7.2 In case the Player (winner) is unable to receive the prize (winnings) via one of the methods described in p. 7.1 of these Rules, the Organizer has the right to provide the Player with a Bonus (without the Wagering condition with a Wager), which the Player (winner) can activate in the "Bonuses" section of the SuperGra Portal/Mobile Application during the period of validity of such a Bonus.
7.3 In accordance with p. 7.1.1, p. 7.1.2 of these Rules, the goods prize (winnings) can be delivered to the Player (winner) by postal operators and/or courier service on the territory of Ukraine, where such services are provided by the postal operators and/or courier service, excluding the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, and/or territories of Ukraine where military operations are conducted.
7.4. Taking into account p. 7.1.3 of these Rules, the goods prize (winnings) may be delivered to the Player (winner) or their authorized person at the Organizer's location address or the address informed to the Organizer by telephone, email, and/or other ways/means not prohibited by the Applicable Laws of Ukraine.
7.5. By participating in the Promotion, the Player (winner) unconditionally agrees that the Organizer may change the goods prize (winnings) to another among the goods prizes that form the prize pool of the Promotion, by agreement between the Organizer and the Player on such change of the goods prize (winnings).
7.6 The Organizer has the right to provide the Player (winner) with a Bonus (without the Wagering condition with a Wager) equivalent to the value of the goods prize (winnings), in case of absence of the goods prize (winnings) in the prize pool of the Promotion at the time of winning by the Player (winner) and/or absence of the prize available for purchase by the Organizer from the suppliers.
7.7. In accordance with paragraph 6.11 of the Rules of the Gambling Organizer, the Organizer in order to identify (verify, establish data) the Player on the Internet and/or for the actual verification of the Player's identity (not on the Internet, in particular, but not exclusively, in the case of giving out a win (prize)), may request an identification number (taxpayer registration card number/tax number), a copy of the identity document, the Player's own image with the necessary document, or require the use of video communication means.
7.8. Promotion prizes are available exclusively for a single Client Account for a person, family, household, device, or IP address. The Organizer has the right to check for violations at any time. If a violation or suspected violation is detected due to repeated registrations, the Organizer reserves the right to reset the Bonus Account and the proper winnings on all accounts associated with the violations.
7.9. Depositing funds to the Client's Account is carried out using Visa/MasterCard payment bank cards. The Player is prohibited from playing on credit either with deferred payment or with subsequent payment, except for paying the bet with credit or debit cards if there is a payment authorization. When depositing funds to the Client Account using electronic means, the User will be redirected to the payment page of the bank/non-bank financial institution/payment institution, which is protected according to the rules of the international payment systems VISA and Mastercard. Cash funds are not accepted on the Organizer's SuperGra Portal/Mobile Application. The Organizer has the right to use the technical capabilities of third-party organizations to process payment transactions made by the Player. Also, with the help of third-party systems, payments of funds in favor of the Player can be processed. 
7.10. Payouts of funds to Players are made in non-cash form through the accounting of transactions in the Organizer's online system, taking into account the provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On State Regulation of Activities for the Organization and Conduct of Gambling" dated July 14, 2020 No. 768-IX and the Law of Ukraine “On Preventing and Counteraction to Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime, Financing of Terrorism and Financing of Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction” dated December 06, 2019 No. 361-IX.
7.11. The Organizer, as well as third parties involved by them (in case of such involvement) are not responsible for any technical failures in the operation of the Internet/mobile network, as well as other technical malfunctions that arise due to circumstances beyond the control of the Organizer.
7.12. In case of any technical errors, failures, errors in crediting, transferring bonuses, winnings, prizes, or incorrect mechanism of their use by the Participant of the Promotion, the Organizer of the Promotion has the right to cancel the credited prizes, winnings, money substitutes, bonuses, etcetera. If the Player created a request for the payment of money received on the Client's Account after the crediting of prizes, winnings, money substitutes, or bonuses, based on the circumstances specified in this paragraph of the Rules, the Player must return such money to the Organizer within 7 (seven) bank days from the date of receiving written notification from the Organizer. In case the money received under this clause of the Rules is not returned, the Organizer has the right to take all legal measures provided by the Rules of the Gambling Organizer and/or the Applicable Laws of Ukraine.
7.13. The Organizer as well as the third parties involved in the Promotion (in case of involvement) are not responsible in case of force majeure circumstances, such as natural disasters, fire, flood, military actions of any character, blockades, significant changes in legislation, which is valid in the territory of Promotion, other circumstances beyond the Organizer's control as well as the involved third parties (in case of involvement), which make it impossible to participate in the Promotion.
7.14. In case of any situation that involves an ambiguous interpretation of these Rules, any controversial issues, and/or issues not regulated by these Rules, the Organizer makes the final decision on such issues. Such a decision is based on the Applicable Laws of Ukraine, is final, and is not subject to appeal.
7.15. Concepts and definitions used in these Promotion Rules refer only to the Promotion held under these Rules.
7.16. These Rules are written in English and are valid on the Organizer's SuperGra Portal/Mobile Application for the Period of the Promotion or until a new version of the Promotion Rules is approved.